Principal's Message

Tawana Vasquez

Dear Current and Prospective RACS Families,

My name is Tawana Vasquez and I am the principal of the Riverdale Avenue Community School, affectionately known as RACS. I was a founding member of RACS when we opened our doors in 2012. Many families know me as a previous teacher, Instructional Coach and an Assistant Principal. I have been an educator for over sixteen years in the communities of Crown Heights and Brownsville. Throughout my career, it has been my goal to provide equitable educational experiences for students by creating safe and inclusionary environments for all learners. It is vital for educators to engage children by acknowledging the cultures, beliefs, values and identities of their students and families. As a school leader, I am committed to fostering a nurturing school environment to prepare each child for academic, social and emotional success.

Adults are often shaped by the ways in which they were seen or unseen as children. At RACS, all adults are committed to honoring children for their brilliance. Instruction begins with knowing each student well. Joyful learning experiences happen when our children feel seen and valued. This fosters a love of learning and a positive self-identity that lasts a lifetime. RACS strives to create a community where our children come first; a place where their voices and perspectives are honored, their identities valued, a place where they can learn authentically.

At the Riverdale Avenue Community School, we are also committed to positive and sustaining relationships with our families. It takes a village. Together, we can ensure success for every child at RACS. Communication is an important component in building our partnership.

Together, we will continue to build an inclusive learning community-a community not only dedicated to children but their families as well.

In Solidarity,

Tawana Vasquez, Principal